The 136th Canton Fair has come to a successful conclusion. Thank you for your presence and support!! Dear customers and partners: The 136th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) has come to a successful conclusion! During this Canton Fair, we ar...
Lestu meiraDear Sir/Madam: Hello! 🎉 We warmly invite you to attend the 1st China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair)! 🌍✨. Please read the following notices carefully to make adequate preparations. 1.Opening Dates and Times of the Canton Fair The Canton Fair is...
Lestu meiraRecently, the boss of Lingming Motor Company actively responded to the national East-West Cooperation Strategy and donated a considerable amount of money to the Wuxi-Haidong East-West Cooperation. This donation will be used to support the poverty all...
Lestu meiraTil að fagna framúrskarandi árangri á Ólympíuleikunum og mikilli vinnu íþróttamanna frá ýmsum löndum. Við munum hefja stóra kynningu frá og með ágúst. Kæru viðskiptavinir, til að skila stuðningi þínum og við erum að setja af stað sérstaka takmarkaða ...
Lestu meiraDear customers and partners: We are very pleased to announce that our new showroom is now officially open! This new showroom is designed to showcase our latest product series and the entire range of products. And provide you with an intuitive ...
Lestu meiraChoosing the right hub motor supplier is a crucial decision that will significantly impact the future development of your business. Here, we discuss how to select the right supplier, hoping to provide some assistance. 1. Focus on Product Quali...
Lestu meiraÞann 25. júní 2024 opnaði Yangtze River Delta Cross-Border E-Commerce Trade Fair í Wuxi Taihu International Expo Center. Á kaupstefnunni í ár, sem hefur þemað „Stafræn styrking fyrir stækkun yfir landamæri“, safnast yfir 400 hágæða verksmiðjuendur...
Lestu meiraThe hub motor is the most important component of an electric motorcycle, so if you want to use the electric motorcycle longer, you must pay attention to the maintenance of the hub motor. · The direct-drive hub motor lasts longer than other mo...
Lestu meiraNorræn Jónsmessuhátíð er handan við hornið, hefðbundin hátíð sumarsólstaða. Hvort sem það er dans við bál í Svíþjóð eða grillað við vötn í Finnlandi, Jónsmessun er fullkominn tími til að eyða gæðastundum með fjölskyldunni og...
Lestu meiraMostly, bolts are loose, enhancing the force during the motor works and making noise when continuous exertion occurs. This problem can be solved by tightening the bolts. So, then the motor can work smoothly. If the bolts are correctly fixed, then ...
Lestu meiraStundum hætta mótorar að snúast undir miklu álagi, sem gefur til kynna að mótorinn skorti kraft til að takast á við þyngdina. Þegar álagið er lagt á mótorinn geta gírarnir einnig runnið. Þess vegna er mikilvægt að athuga frammistöðu mótorsins áður en ekið er ...
Lestu meira1.This is our differential motor automatic winding machine. Automatic winding machines effectively improve the production speed and stability performance of motors. 2.This is our differential motor assembly line. These machines are automatic windin...
Lestu meira2024-05-14